When unable to access the Bitkub website or application, we recommend that you follow these basic steps.
1. Clear cache and cookies
The browser normally stores some information from the website in its cache and cookies. Clearing cache and cookies can resolve some issues such as loading or formatting issues on the website. You can check on how to clear the cache and cookies according to the browser that you use by following the below guidance.
2. Check the internet connection
If you cannot enter the website or the application because of an internet problem, you can try these basic steps below.
Make sure your Wi-Fi is on.
Check if your device's cellular is enabled.
Check if you are connected to the most stable internet signal.
Try switching network connection from WiFi to cellular (or cellular to WiFi).
If your problems still persist, please try the steps here.
3. Change your browser
Sometimes, browser crashes or technical errors may lead to difficulty accessing the website. Therefore, we recommend you change the browser. Bitkub normally supports the following web browsers; Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome (most efficient with Bitkub website).